Moonbow Private Limited is located at 10 Copperhouse Court, Milton Keynes, MK7 8NL. We advise users to understand the Terms & Conditions beforehand surfing on the website and other pages. Once the user enters the website, he is liable to adhere to our terms and conditions even if he wishes to be a member of Moonbow or not.
Moonbow as a company can make changes to their Terms & conditions then and there, by updating this page. Continuous usage of the website even after the changes shows your acceptance towards the changes made on this page.
We encourage users to check this page whenever they visit our website to stay updated.
We work hard to make the website accessible to our clients and other users 24/7 and under certain events, Moonbow would not be responsible if the domain is not accessible for any period. Moonbow, without notice, can temporarily block the access of users to visit the site due to system failure or any updates made on the website.
Moonbow team would take all precautions to check that any product or material offered to the user is virus-free and does not contain any malicious code.
The content, images and other materials displayed on the website is owned by Moonbow and its partners. Users are not allowed to utilise the content elsewhere without our consent. Removal of copyright content or trademark warnings is not permitted.
The content should not be distributed which may infringe the property rights of any partners or third parties showing them being unlawful, indecent, scandalous, dealing in pornography etc. which restrict people from entering in the website and damaging the brand and it partners reputation may be considered as a criminal offence.
Also, not to disseminate any materials which damage the computer functionality by creating viruses, trojan horses, worms or any other malicious codes.
The content copyrighted in the software which is available for download on the website belongs to the partners. Use of the software is administered by the terms of any licence agreement that is included with it. Do not install or use any software unless you agree to such a licence agreement.
The external links on the website or application are for user convenience. If you are redirected to another website using those links, Moonbow would not be responsible for the content present on the website as we have not reviewed them.
You can link to the homepage of our website but with certain conditions.
Some part of the website needs registration and other personal details to access. While registering with us, you agree to
The website design, header, footer, content, images, buttons and icons you see on the website are our own intellectual property. Using similar versions of the above without an agreement other than referring us and our brand in a good way is strictly prohibited.
The provision of personal information by you is subject to our Privacy Policy available as a link to this Website.